24 April 2008

Toulouse Space Show - day 2

Today, it has been a long and hard day. The technical sessions started, and we had the chance to attend to several interesting presentations.
On the side of this, we had many chances to talk to friends and people and for sure several things will happen for the NavSAS in the future. It has been for sure a fruitful day.

But it was also the day of the NavSAS oral presentations. Riccardo had to face a so committed chairman that has been able to fit in the regular scheduling of the session also the alternate paper, still finishing earlier than expected. In order to do this he stopped all the presenters in a sharp way 5 minutes in advance with no warnings. So who wants to know how Riccardo presentation is going to end, will have to attend the PLANS conference in May... The presentation by Riccardo was fine even if "ended" at slide 15 out of 20.

Tung did an awesome presentation, impressing all the audience. Relaxed, precise, professional, ready to answer the questions. Great job, fully compliant with the NavSAS high standards !

Then we attended the Gala dinner at the Space City, a park hosting a full model of the Ariane launcher, of the MIR station, and several multimedia amusement for the vistors.

Let say that the "dinner" left us still hungry..... for more science tomorrow . There is for sure still some SPACE !!