19 September 2008

ION GNSS conference closed

The ION GNSS conference finished today, and as every year it has been an amazing experience of scientific growth, discussion and networking with the best people in the world dealing with Satellite Navigation.

The NavSAS team had the chance to present 8 papers (eventually all the alternates became oral presentations):

and another paper was presented by our colleagues of the geomatics department of Politecnico

Next year the conference will be again in Savannah, and we will be ready to the funny experience of getting the boat to reach the convention center on the other side of the river facing the city !

17 September 2008

ION GNSS conference started

Today the ION GNSS conference started in Savannah, GA. more than 1000 attendees are expected, and 6 people of the NavSAS group are there to give presentations, discuss cooperations, and collect pieces of information on the latest developments in the Satellite Navigation fields.
Again, an outstanding experience for all the researchers of Politecnico and ISMB.